15th Chandler's Ford
Scout Group
(Allbrook and Otterbourne)

Skills for Life
Adventures for children age 6-14
Our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts groups enjoy amazing adventures, and learn new skills. They get outside for activites such as camping, archery and canoeing. They also hang out with friends every week for games, teamwork and creative challenges.
Volunteering for adults
Scouts is not just for young people. By volunteering with Scouts, adults can give back to the local community and lead activities that young people will remember for ever while developing valuable skills for life. As well as this, Scouting provides volunteers with a wide range of training programs, opportunities to challenge yourself and learn new skills while being part of a community and making new friends.
Use the Volunteer link at the top of this page to learn more a about volunteering with scouting, or use the button below if you would like to contact us to discuss volunteering opportunities.